Adderall Effects: The good, the bad, the worse.


Lately, we’ve been getting lots of questions about Adderall 30mg and other similar “study” pills. Adderall 30mg has fast become synonymous with pulling all-nighters and infinite study potential. Unsurprisingly, movies often depict young programmers hacking into FBI servers…while enjoying a Ritalin midnight snack.

Study cocaine?

We can’t deny the fact that Adderall 30mg wakes you up better than cocaine. It’s basically an amphetamine. And students love it. Not so much for the actual study gains (which is a dubious claim in itself), but rather for the newfound “rush of reward” feeling as their minds are flooded with dopamine.

“Will I pass my exam? Will I end up with better grades?”

And with Adderall 30mg being a massive chemical overkill — we have to ask ourselves: Will I pass my exam? Will I have better grades? The short answer, maybe. But the better answer is available through biochemistry.


Adderall 30mg is a prescription drug designed for treating narcolepsy and ADHD. Being the cheapest and most chemically simple form of amphetamine, it wakes you up by mimicking your own adrenaline. By altering your epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine levels, it pushes you into a mode of fight or flight. Which is an ideal world is great, provided you only need it for a few minutes and you’re at an Armin van Buuren Concert.


But if you’re smarter… you know that studying can take up to two weeks (with some solid procrastination in between).

Our brain has two types of chief neurotransmitters — those slowing us down (GABA) and those responsible for wakefulness that tells us that it’s “time for action” (i.e. glutamate). As you may imagine, the latter is responsible for learning. When Adderall targets your glutamate receptors every day, they’re constantly under stress, or rather, in a mode of overexcitation.

Desensitizing Receptors

Being in a constant mode of overexcitement causes your receptors to become less sensitive to stimuli — and the usual information / typical signal strength means that your receptors simply fail to react to the usual stimuli you’d encounter.

“When your glutamate receptors are under stress, they become less sensitive to stimuli over time.”

What this means is that you’ll be in a constant need for stronger signals in order for you to process information. This leads to mental fatigue. Brain fog, issues with retrieving memories and struggling executive functions.


“You’ll struggle with memory recall and have lower reaction times. You’ll yearn sleep.

Adderall Has Consequences

Over a longer period of time, you’re putting your brain in real danger. Not that people in their 20s usually care (hey, we’re all “exploring” right?).


Adderall causes neurotoxicity. Long-term exposure to “glutamatergic storm” is a proven factor for developing dementia in your 40s or 50s. Google it — it’s literally overkill of your brain cells. I can’t imagine how other scientists feel when people address amphetamines as nootropics or study drugs.

The man who coined the term nootropics, Corneliu e. Giurgea clearly stated:

“Nootropics should enhance learning and memory. Nootropics enhance the resistance of learned memories to conditions which disrupt them. They protect the brain against various physical or chemical injuries. Nootropics increase the control of attention.”

“Nootropics lack the resemblance of psychotropic drugs and possess very few side effects and extremely low toxicity.”

And with Adderall 30mg being a massive chemical overkill — we have to ask ourselves: Will I pass my exam? Will I have better grades? The short answer, maybe. But the better answer is available through biochemistry.

Let’s be clear here. Adderall is not a nootropic. Stimulants such as Adderall miss 4 out of 5 criteria for being learning enhancers. Modern nootropics are — contrary to ultrapotent stimulants — multitargeting different learning and memorizing mechanisms. No single modulator can achieve the same as a synergized formula. To keep it as ‘simple’ as possible — acetylcholine and glutamate sensitization is incredibly necessary for successful study periods.


Examfit acting as a multi-target learning promoter.

As seen from the upper picture, Examfit is a predesigned formula which acts as a multi-target learning promoter:

  1. Alpha-GPC is the main source of acetylcholine, needed for learning
  2. Phosphatidylserine acts as a communicator between different neurotransmitters
  3. Huperzia Serrata inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase which broken down acetylcholine and recycles it for a continuous process of memorizing.
  4. Glycine activates glutamate receptors — Noopept is the improved form of proven piracetam, transforming into cyclopropyl glycine — activating the glutamate binding site
  5. Magnesium L-threonate optimizes CA/Mg ions, making synapses more sensitive to stimuli
  6. 6 hour, timed-release caffeine stacked with L-theanine helps keep you alert while increasing creative types of brain waves called Alpha-1.

Supplements alone can’t produce the maximum effects to enhance cognitive functioning. Adderall certainly won’t help you in the long run, and it has major issues in getting you the right results in the short term.

There’s a lot we can do by ourselves. Think healthy lifestyle, including diet, sleep patterns and exercise, appropriate work and study techniques — and last but not least relaxing and a positive attitude.

The very lack of health nootropics during our own study times lead us to develop smart drugs which enhance your learning and provide you a strong basis for the process of neuroplasticity and long-term neuroprotection.